District Honored as a District of Distinction
In conjunction with the District Transparency Certificate of Excellence that the District received in October, the District was notified on December 13, 2022 that it received its renewal as a District of Distinction from the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF). The District is one of only six special district's in Orange County and thirty-three in California to be honored with this recognition. In order to receive this honor, the District had to submit copies of financial audits, policies and procedures and proof of required training received by the trustees and executive staff. The District is proud to display a perpetual plaque which was originally presented to the District in 2013 at the California Special District Association Annual Conference, which is proudly displayed at the District office. To learn more about this and other programs offered to Special Districts, click this link to access the SDLF website. For more information, call the District office at (949) 951-9102.