District Fees

The Orange County Cemetery District has several options available to the residents of Orange County. Please click on the cemetery location below for a list of the current interment space and service fees which went into effect on January 1, 2025. Please note that Anaheim Cemetery and Santa Ana Cemetery are both sold out for casket interment space.
Click here for the Anaheim Cemetery Price List effective January 1, 2025Click here for the El Toro Memorial Park Price List effective January 1, 2025Click here for the Santa Ana Cemetery Price List effective January 1, 2025
NOTICE: Due to the limited inventory of availalbe double-depth casket space at El Toro Memorial Park, effective August 1, 2023, only at-need families who have had a death occur will be allowed to purchase casket space. If you already have an appointment to purchase casket space on a pre-need basis that is scheduled after August 1, 2023, your appointment will be honored. You may call to schedule a pre-need appointment to purchase casket space through July 31, 2023.